
How to Clean a Handmade Leather Bag at Home

How to Clean a Handmade Leather Bag at Home

We all have one or more leather bags at home, but do you know they require special care when cleaning or maintaining them? Here is a guide on how to clean a handmade leather bag at home.

Leather bags are an evergreen beauty. They have been a part of every household for ages. People often invest in handmade leather bags to flaunt their style and make a statement. Leather Journals Wholesaler is the best leather bag manufacturer in India. We are known for our handmade and customized leather bags.

A leather bag can be used for various purposes, every day, or special occasions. No matter how frequently you use leather bags, cleaning is an important routine when it comes to leather bags. It would be best to clean your leather bags at regular intervals to ensure their long life.
Leather is quite different from other materials; your standard cleaning method might not fit your expensive handmade bag. As it is almost a one-time investment, you must know the right way to clean your leather bag at home.

Guide to cleaning your leather bag at home:

Here is a step-by-step guide to cleaning your leather bag at home:

Empty your bag first:
The first step to cleaning your leather bag is to empty it properly. Make sure that you don't leave any tiny things in your pocket. You can also turn your bag upside down and shake it well to help you.

Use a lint roller:

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For cleaning the interior of your bag, you can use a lint roller. If anything is left inside your bag, that can stick to your lint roller to get rid of it.

Wipe your bag with warm water:
Next, take a bowl of warm water and a piece of clean cloth. Mix a few drops of leather soap. Damp your cloth and wipe your bag. Use a white color cloth to avoid color transfer.

Dry bag with a clean cloth:
Now take another cloth and dry your bag. Drying your leather bag will give it more luster and shine.

Metal polish on hardware:
If your bag contains any hardware like metal buckles or knobs, you can apply metal polish to clean them. But keep the leather part untouched by metal polish.

Apply leather conditioner:
Last but the most essential step, apply leather conditioner on the leather part of your bag. This will restore moisture in the leather and extend its lifespan.

Furthermore, avoid washing genuine leather products with detergent and soap, and keep them away from direct sunlight. To keep your leather bags in excellent condition, it is advisable to clean your leather bags once or twice a month. Leather Journals Wholesaler is the leading leather bag and leather journals supplier in India. You can visit our website to check our latest collections.

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